Liste des blocs de page d’accueil

Liste des blocs de page d’accueil

What is a block? A block contains information about your platform, whether about a particular theme or not. A block from homepage can be added to various types of home pages and elements in PM : - homepage of the platform - homepage of a project or action - homepage of a portfolio - homepage of plan of actions - Project or phase summary sheets /milestone To create a block, you need to fill in a number of fields, as well as filters to display key information at a glance. You can customize the display of certain blocks by assigning them a view created by your administrator. Reports or DataTalk can also be displayed in blocks, either graphically or at timeline. If a block name contains the word "Your", this means that the data displayed will be specific to the logged-in user. Here is a description of all the home page blocks that can be found in Project Monitor. 🚨 Blocks displaying data budget can display consolidated data for both parent and child project budgets. The right Viewing views in platform administrationViewing views in platform administration may be required to change the view of a block