(⬇️ according to reports)
Format :
bubble graph
, radar graph
or value table
Maximum number of series to be filled in if one of the two graphs is selected
Show projects
Projects only
select a filter containing actions
Action Selection of certain actions to be displayed
Project filter Select a filter containing projects
Project selection of projects to be displayed
Budget Selection of certain budgets and budget filters
Resource Selection of certain resources and resource filters
category category indicators
Period scales :
Project duration
or Number of months /
Number of exercises /
Number of quarters /
Number of years (depending on the ratio selected, number to be defined)
Format :
Bar chart Stacked bars Stacked bars (%) Circular chart Areas Line Staircase Value table Percentage table
(depending on the ratio selected)
Range :
Object only, Descendants, Object only and descendants
Select display mode :
by project
/ by budget
or by project
/ by resource
representation Allows you to select one or more representations and order them (if multiple representations, then some formats will not be available).
Filter criteria can also be selected according to the report displayed
Call up a report in graphical format at homepage - select period to display
6.2 or earlier
Bubble chart
Radar graphics
Indicator trends
Budget trends
Envelope budget trends
Change in budgeted earned value
Cumulative expense trends by resource (Excel)
Cumulative budget trends by project (Excel)
Cumulative budget trends by parameter (Excel)
Cumulative resource expense trends by project (Excel)
Resource expenses by project and by phase
completed by week
Cumulative expenses
Cumulative resource expenses by project and by phase