Screen scheduling of the remaining work
This screen allows you to allocate resources and distribute loads for the project and its phases target and remaining work.
It is possible toFilter the list of project resources using the filter criterion or the
Resource or private filters
The display Plan capacity to view capacity, availability and remaining work resources.
En cliquant sur la ligne d'une ressource, il est possible de voir sur quelles autres phases la ressource est affectée, ainsi que la répartition du reste à faire de ces phases
Pour que la plupart des actions apparaissent, il faut que des ressources soient affectées au projet et/ou à ses phases
Il n'y a pas de visibilité pour la planification sur les phases qui ne sont pas en cours (qui n'ont pas commencé) : elles apparaissent en grisé.
La dernière granularité affichée sera toujours celle affichée à la prochaine visite.
Vous pouvez afficher les ressources et affectations dans une liste paginée (voir bas de l’écran : 25, 50, 100, 200). Le choix de la pagination est mémorisé, même si l’on change de page.
🇺🇸 Selon le paramétrage du calendrier (EN-US), le premier jour de la semaine peut varier. Ainsi :
- en affichage semaine, au survol d'une semaine le jour affiché est le dimanche,
- en affichage jour, les semaines commencent le dimanche
- en affichage semaine, seul le dimanche est sélectionnable en date de début et le samedi en date de fin
Button name | Description |
This button validates the entry of remaining work : it will no longer be possible to make changes for the period concerned. Resources will no longer be able to enter completed for past periods. A confirmation window appears, confirming that the entry has been validated. | |
This button is used to cancel the validation of the remaining work entry, so that modifications can be made again. A confirmation window appears, confirming that the input validation has been cancelled. | |
This button is used to recalculate scheduling. A window opens: simply select an eligible date from the calendar. The dates proposed are those between the current remaining work smoothing start date and the current date.
This button only appears when remaining work has been entered on the project before the last smoothing start date.
The date is grayed out if it turns out to be unselectable: either before the project start date or after the project end date.
Rights required : | |
Ce bouton permet d'affecter des ressources afin de pouvoir planifier leur reste à faire.
Un ajout de ressource peut l’ajouter à l’équipe projet (voir | |
Choice between | |
This button displays comments added to the timesheet of assigned resources 🚩 This button is available at contextual menu . | |
🚩 This button is available at contextual menu . | |
Reports can be run from this screen:
- | |
Displays the scheduling screen of remaining work in full screen mode. | |
Return to a standard view from the scheduling screen of remaining work. | |
To the left of the phase line, this button folds the resource assignments and makes it impossible to modify the resource boxes. 🚩 Clicking on a line folds/unfolds the resource assignments. | |
To the left of a phase line, this button unfolds the assigned resources and makes it possible to modify the boxes of a phase. 🚩 Clicking on a line folds/unfolds the resource assignments. | |
Allows you to fold a level on the board: fold project phases, or fold phase resources, for example. | |
Unfold a level on the table: unfold project phases, or phase resources, for example. | |
This button folds all lines: projects and phases. 🚩 This button can be accessed from the plan header line, on the left. | |
This button unfolds all lines: projects and phases 🚩 This button can be accessed from the plan header line, on the left. | |
This button is used to group the various elements of the table : - by phase - by genre - by resource - by profile | |
This button is used to enter values on fields: representations remaining work, target, etc. 💡 Tabs can be used to move from box to box. 🚩 The date selector will be grayed out when the user changes the scheduling of remaining work. | |
This button lets you assign resources more quickly than with the | |
Allows you to modify a phase directly. 🚩 This button is available when hovering over a line. phase | |
When remaining work scheduling is displayed by month or week, this button is used to return to view day.
The last granularity displayed will be the one shown the next time this screen is displayed.
💡 With view day, hover over this line to quickly display the current month or the next 3 weeks.
🚨 Display granularity may have been set by default via this box of the | |
When remaining work scheduling is displayed by month or day, this button allows you to return to view week.
The last granularity displayed will be the one shown the next time this screen is displayed.
💡 With view week, hover over this line to quickly display the current month or the 12 months to come.
🚨 Display granularity may have been set by default via this box of the | |
When remaining work scheduling is displayed by day or week, this button allows you to return to view month.
The last granularity displayed will be the one shown the next time this screen is displayed.
💡 With view month, hover over this line to quickly display the active month or the 12 months to come.
🚨 Display granularity may have been set by default via this box of the | |
This button copies data entered in representation target to representation remaining work .
It therefore activates the smoothed distribution of remaining work.
The button | |
By clicking on this button, you can send an e-mail to assigned resources, informing them of their assignment to this project/this phase A window appears, offering confirmation or cancellation of the e-mail. 🚩 This button is available on the project's / phase's contextual menu . | |
This button takes you to the resource's activity entry screen. | |
This button is used to consult a resource's file. | |
Ce bouton permet de transférer de la charge (reste à faire) de la ressource vers une ou plusieurs autres ressources.
Droit requis : | |
This button is used to notify the resource of its assignment to a phase or project. An e-mail is then sent to the user's e-mail address, with the name of the phase and the project. 🚩 This button is available via a resource's contextual menu . | |
This button deletes the entire scheduling resource detail, and the global remaining work is deleted for the assignment 🚩 This button is available via a resource's contextual menu | |
This button is used to remove the resource from phase/from the project (not only for scheduling from remaining work), only possible if there is no completed registered for the resource.
Rights required : | |
This button displays thehistory list of modifications to resource entries: date, user, action, object, property, value... Actions are sorted from the most recent date to the oldest. 🚩 This button is available via a resource's contextual menu |
Voici les champs retrouvés dans cet écran :
La date de début du lissage du reste à faire apparaît en haut de l'écran.