The analytical axis consists in consolidating budget values.
Within a project, data can be grouped budget by analytical axis. This makes it possible to analyze budgets differently from a envelope budget, a category budget or a project phase.
It can be combined with one of the Catégories. Il est paramétrable comme critère de filtre
List of filter criteria
List of analytical axes
Within a project, data can be grouped budget by analytical axis. This makes it possible to analyze budgets differently from a envelope budget, a category budget or a project phase.
Il n'est pas possible de changer de vue ou d'appliquer un filtre sur cet écran.
General actions
Add ➡️ Creating and modifying an analytical axis
Edit ➡️ Creating and modifying an analytical axis
Rights required :
Creating and modifying an analytical axis
The screens for creating and modifying an analytical axis are similar.
Rights required :
Creation actions
Modification actions
Delete : right required
Deleting an analytical axis budget
Si la configuration multilingue est activée, alors un champ supplémentaire est à remplir dans une section Multilingual
Ce champ correspond au libellé de l'objet dans l'autre langue.