There are several ways to access a project:
It may be useful to add a project to your favourites if you consult it often.
Add favourites
From quick search
You can search for projects using the quick search bar.
In this case, only active projects will appear in the search.
- Enter the project name, code or keyword in the quick search bar.
- Cliquer sur le projet pour accéder à la page d'accueil du projet, OU sur la catégorie projet de la liste des résultats de recherche pour accéder à la liste des projets filtrée sur le mot clé recherché.
From the project list
Projects can be searched from the project list using a variety of criteria.
From the list, all projects that do not have a status equivalent to the completed metastatus are displayed.
- Cliquer sur l’icĂ´neÂ
. - Cliquer sur la flècheÂ
Plus de critères
. - Renseigner les valeurs d’attributs à rechercher.
- Valider les critères de recherche.
Par défaut les propriétés obligatoires et les attributs paramétrés attribut de recherche rapide s’afficheront.
The attributes set as search criteria will be displayed.
You may have one or more additional menus. These menus are the attribute groups set as search criteria.
As soon as the criteria have been validated, the project list is updated, displaying the criteria in chips and listing the projects that meet the criteria.
Links to projects can also be found in portfolios and scenarios, at plan , in reports, on your home page, etc.