I haven't received the password change email. What can I do?
Comment savoir quelle est ma version de
Project Monitor ?
Why can't I change the value of a attribute ?
What's the difference between status and meta-status ?
Where can cockpits be added?
How does my cockpit change color/shape?
How do you find out how a right is acquired?
Quelle page d’accueil s’affiche pour mon utilisateur ?
Why can't I enter my project?
Why don't I have access to all project templates?
What's the difference between applying and inserting a template ?
Why can't I delete a project?
What actions are possible in the project list?
Why can't I see all my projects from the list?
What is the difference between target and estimated planning?
Why does a link to another project appear at the top of my schedule?
Why does my dependency between two objects appear in orange?
What does the vertical red line on my schedule represent?
Puis-je afficher le planning des projets enfants dans un projet parent ?
Pourquoi je ne peux pas supprimer une phase ou un jalon ?
Can I create a new automation on my platform?
Can I benefit from automation on my platform without changing my offer?
What happens when I insert an automated template ?
What happens when I apply a template with automation?
Is it possible to remove automation from a project that has been created with an template containing automation?
I've already created projects from templates in which I've set automation parameters. How can I add a new automation to projects I've already created?
Can I mass-apply automation to projects other than via project templates?
Puis-je adresser une demande de création d’automatisation ?
How do I know if there's a settings error in my automation?
Why can't I access the reviews at portfolio ?
Why can't I add a comment to a slideshow?
Why can't I display my gantt chart / plan load in a scenario?
Do changes to a scenario have a direct impact on my project data?
What's the difference between a resource and a user?
Quelle est la différence entre une ressource nommée et une ressource générique ?
What happens if I change my resource calendar?
What's the point of a generic resource?
Saisie d’activités
Why can't I see all my assignments in my timesheet ?
What do the color codes in my activity report mean?
Why can't I view or modify some of my colleagues' entries?
Should I enter my activity in hours or days?
What are the different statuses?
Planification de la charge
What happens if I enter remaining work global on a project for the first time?
How do the colors update in the scheduling boxes?
How do I know whether I have a manual or automatic scheduling for my resources and projects?
What happens if I want to manually schedule from remaining work when my scheduling is on automatic?
Que se passe-t-il si mon projet passe du mode Planification manuelle au mode Planification progressive ?
Que se passe-t-il si mon projet passe du mode Planification progressive au mode Planification manuelle ?
What is a plan budget?
What is budget request ?
What is envelope ?
What is financial document ?
What's the difference between budget public and budget private?
Why can't I link my budget to an analytical axis?
Is it possible to view tasks and exchanges on a home page?
Why can't I see all the tasks in my table?
Why can't I add a document ?
Why can't I modify the properties of a Datatalk I've already created?
Why can't I see the themes (budget, resource or indicator) in Datatalk?
What do the colors in the availability resources magazine represent?
Summary sheets
Why aren't the images displayed correctly in my PowerPoint file?
How is the criticality of a risk calculated in my cockpit ?
Pourquoi est-ce que je vois « technical.user » dans la liste de mes utilisateurs ?
Que se passe-t-il si j'ai oublié de créer un utilisateur technique pour les processus ?
Que faire lorsque j’ai une erreur ?